Catered to your crop ...
Universal platform supporting many crops
Green Atlas has been busy working across multiple crop types and continuously building upon our capabilities. Currently we deliver detailed analytics for:
Wine Grapes
Table Grapes
And more ...
See a sample
Online demo
Green Atlas is proud to offer an online demonstration of real-world, typical sample data, showing the imaging and analysis capabilities of our Cartographer platform, with results that you can expect from your orchard.

... at any stage.
The power to predict.
Green Atlas provides the capability to collect and analyse data across the entire spectrum of fruit life-cycle, giving meaningful and actionable insights, from on-site operations like thinning, pruning and sanitation, to downstream management, like purchasing, packing, logistics and marketing.
From pre-flowering, through to mature fruit, and between seasons with sanitation, pest and weed management, our technology can be applied progressively to inform immediate action, seasonally to monitor orchard optimisation, or year-on-year to assess the effectiveness of long-term management strategies.
Global reach
Available to all.
We're excited by the challenges of orchard imaging and delivering accurate, dependable data globally. We have supported services available throughout the US, EU, South America and Oceania. Contact your nearest representative to get started today.

One-off orchard mapping.
Build a baseline.
Managing an orchard is hard, and having an accurate foundation of information takes time and skill to grow, much like your fruit. With a one-off orchard mapping, Green Atlas delivers a detailed assessment of the current state of your orchard.
This baseline can be used to monitor orchard outcomes, and evolve into a building block for future automation activities.

Year-on-year optimisation
Hone in on quality yield.
Comprehensively analyse and optimise the performance of your orchard through application of the Green Atlas platform at your key phenological/growth stages. Compare year-on-year data to evaluate the pro-active measures taken to improve orchard outcomes, and hone in on dependable target quality yields.

Integrated Pest Management
Precisely target your problem areas
Only spray or manually clean up the areas that have localised pest pressure to save significant chemical and/or labour costs. From detecting pests, invasive weeds, identifying sick or dying plants, signs of disease and food sources for pests (like post-harvest fruit or nuts), Green Atlas will help you find the problem so that it can be precisely managed at minimum cost.
Learn More
Our comprehensive set of online tools includes a historical view of your orchard, allowing you to correlate and compare data from previous seasons to monitor improvements in orchard outcomes and highlight variation from targeted tree performance.
Cartographer can detect fruit from the early fruitlet stage up to maturity. The specifics depend on the crop, for example, apple fruitlets are typically scanned from 25 mm, while cherry fruitlets can be scanned under 10 mm.
Globally, Cartographer is in operation in most tree and vine, fruit and nut crops already, but for new crops, our systems and procedures are streamlined to get up and running fast!
We typically produce high quality data for a new crop or crop phenological stage within 2-3 weeks of scanning for the first time.
Data is only as valuable as the decisions and actions that it drives, for your operation.
The ROI depends on the crop and the use-case. While hard to calculate precisely, the ROI comes from a combination of labour savings; reductions in input costs; improved fruit quality and/or quantity at harvest; reduction in crop loss due to weed or pest pressures; more efficient logistics; and more precise forward financial and marketing plans.
We work closely with all our customers to plan ahead, to realise the maximum benefit of using Cartographer data.